2nd DeCarbCH Networking Conference
Date: 27/28 February 2023, Seminar-Konferenzhotel, Olten
The SWEET DeCarbCH Networking Conference enabled the exchange within the DeCarbCH community, with academic research partners and with industrial and public partners.
The 1st day was dedicated to our collaboration partners.
The DeCarbCH researchers gave a short update on recent results and allowed the team and collaboration partners to understand where the project stands.
We then invited six collaborative partners from cities, industry, and engineering firms to explain their needs and issues.
These were then further discussed and explored in four breakout sessions on heat networks, industry, case studies, and legal and socioeconomic challenges.
On the 2nd day, we started with input from our colleagues from other SWEET projects, namely PATHFNDR, EDGE and CROSS.
This helped to understand synergies to be exploited in the coming years, e.g., in joint case studies. The SWEET office of the SFOE explained the rules for pilot and demonstration projects.
The 2nd day ended with parallel workshops on the eight active work packages, focusing on the technical reports to be submitted at the end of March.