Work Package Pilot & Demonstration 1-5

WPP&D 1-5 are five pilot & demonstration project whithin the DeCarbCH programm.



WPPD1: Real Transformation of a specific area in Zurich (planned)

Abstract: This P&D project supports and facilitates the real transformation to renewable heating and cooling in a dense urban area by means of preparatory and accompanying analysis on selected legal, financial, technical, and social aspects. Since heating and cooling of city is a major source of CO2 emissions, it is crucial to find ways to transform the provision of the energy. In Zurich we will find excellent conditions to pilot and demonstrate the way how to "roll out" solutions identified for a carbon free district to most of the other districts (and potentially also to other cities and towns). This is not only a matter of concrete technical solutions, but also of involving the population through a participatory process. This process should be accompanied and documented so that other cities can benefit from it. Technical solutions from the previous work packages are also applied in the sense of P&D projects where possible and reasonable. This will be determined in the course of WP06.

Technology Readiness Level (TRL): from 5 to 6

Duration: June 2023 - March 2028 (60 months)

Lead: Prof. Dr. Armin Eberle (ZHAW-INE)



WPPD2: Increase in utilization of waste heat from incineration plant / Reduction of carbon emissions (planned)

Abstract: The waste incineration plant in Buchs (SG) operates a 165 km long thermal grid for residential usage, as well as a shorter steam grid used by nearby industries. In addition, electrical power is produced. While the grid has been significantly expanded over the past few years, there is still a significant potential to increase waste heat usage. In an ongoing project several options are being investigated in order to achieve an economic solution to improve energy utilization and to reduce the carbon footprint. This current project in combination with the results from SWEET RC3, will be an ideal ground to develop a demonstration project showcasing innovative solutions for heating and decarbonisation.

Technology Readiness Level (TRL): from 5 to 6

Duration: January 2025 - December 2027 (36 months)

Lead: Prof. Dr. Stefan Bertsch (OST-IES)



WPPD3: Enabling implementation of renewables for industrial heating and cooling / Demonstrating enabled renewable heating and cooling (solutions) in industry (planned)

Abstract: Achieving the Swiss Energy Strategy 2050 goals will require a pronounced increase of renewables in Swiss energy supply. Integration of renewables for industrial heating and cooling are seen as sources of uncertainty which translates to financial risk, especially when companies are bound by stringent requirements regarding reliability. The aim of this pilot and demonstration project is to successfully apply the developed multi-criteria assessment tools and methods for renewables integration options in industry from conception to implementation. The decision makers will be guided in decision-making and be included in the development of business case for implementation. The implementation stage will include installation, instrumentation, monitoring, and benchmarking to ensure the strategies meet the energy goals. With the anticipated success of this WP, it will be used as a case study to encourage participation for other industrial companies to implement renewables for heating and cooling.

Technology Readiness Level (TRL): from 5 to 6

Duration: January 2026 - December 2028 (36 months)

Lead: Prof. Dr. Beat Wellig (HSLU-TEVT)


WPPD4: Renewable energy cube providing carbon-neutral heating and cooling for industry and service sector (planned)

Abstract: This P&D project will demonstrate a renewables-based zero/lowcarbon energy system providing an industry process continuously with heat of up to 160°C and with cooling as add-on.

Technology ReadinessLevel: from 5 to 6

Duration: January 2027 - December 2028 (24 months)

Lead: Dr. Mercedes Hannelore Rittmann-Frank (OST-SPF)



WPPD5: Demonstration of negative emission technology (planned)

Abstract: This P&D project will demonstrate a negative emission technology that will result from a down selection performed in WP12.

Technology Readiness Level (TRL): from 5 to 6

Duration: January 2025 - December 2028 (48 months)

Lead: Dr. Guidati Gianfranco (ETHZ)

Team: ETHZ