Work Package Structure
SWEET DeCarbCH is made of 12 work packages and 5 pilot and demonstration projects.
A solution-oriented, interdisciplinary approach is applied for the project as a whole and within each work package. The work packages deal with subsystems (e.g. WP3 on grids in combination with renewables and energy storage, WP4/WP10 on industry and WP5/WP11 on primarily standalone renewable energy-driven system solutions), they represent case studies (WP6 for Zurich and WP7 for Romandie) or they apply specific approaches (legal and socio-economic integration in WP2/WP9 and energy system modelling in WP1/WP8), leading to recommendations for policy makers and other stakeholders.

Lead: Jonathan Chambers (UNIGE-EE)
WP01: Thermal Energy System Modelling at the Mesoscale
- System-level model of thermal energy service provision
- Explore decarbonization pathways with different technical, economic, policy impacts
- Quantify the value of both renewable heating and cooling as well as of negative CO2 emissions

Lead: Silvia Ulli-Beer (ZHAW-INE)
WP02: Understanding legal and socio-economic integration of clean heat and cooling solutions
- Understand the actor ecosystem and value network in local heating/cooling systems and the socio-technical system
- Identify the perceived drivers and barriers for implementation under different structural and socio-economic contexts
- Analysis of legal requirements
- Proposals on more efficient procedures how to increase acceptance

Lead: Willy Villasmil (HSLU-IGE)
WP03: Technologies, design, and operation of thermal grids for future energy planning
- Define representative cases for thermal networks in Switzerland
- Develop technical solutions for storages and renewables in future thermal grids
- Develop new control algorithms for future thermal grids to form a base for energy planning

Lead: Beat Wellig (HSLU-TEVT)
WP04: Energy demand profiles of industry and the potential for renewables integration and negative emissions
- Understand and obtain energy demand profiles at company and sector level
- Gain a solid understanding of how to exploit NETs potential in industry
- Quantify opportunities for implementing energy efficiency measures, integrating renewables, implementing fuel substitution, exploiting NETs potential, and utilizing excess heat

Lead: Stefan Bertsch (OST-IES)
WP05: Combination of renewables, heat transformation and storage for medium and high temperature heating as well as cooling
- Develop solutions for heat supply at medium 80 to 200 °C and high temperature and cooling
- Showcase systems including solutions for policy, legal aspects, business models,…
- Optimal matching with respect to spatial and temporal demand
- Develop tool to identify optimal combination of renewables, storage & heat transformation

Lead: Armin Eberle (ZHAW-INE)
WP06: Case Study City of Zurich
- Apply, test, validate tools and results from other WP
- Integrate findings in real environment of a city, interaction with the projects of the city
- Gain insights into the barriers and success factors
- Learnings for other cities, scaling up/multiply results
- Feedback to other WP, backward and forward

Lead: Pierre Hollmuller (UNIGE)
WP07: Case studies Romandie: strategies and potentials of temperature reduction on existing district heating networks
- Temperature reduction in existing DH substations
- Impact of different temperature lowering strategies at the level of DH networks
- Interaction between temperature reduction strategies and other energy policy measures
- Comparison of different measures and governance arrangements for the implementation of temperature reduction strategies

Lead: Jonathan Chambers (UNIGE-EE)
WP08: Scenario and modelling, pathways, tool development, policy recommendations
- Further driving implementation of findings related to policy making
- Increase the potential impact by developing end-user focused tools that can support decisions makers

Lead: Andreas Abegg (ZHAW-ZOW)
WP09: Legal and socio-economic integration of proposed solutions
- Assess the legal and socio-economic consequences they may pose
- Reduce legal and socio-economic barriers for a timely implementation of the proposed heating/cooling technology combinations
- Propose measures and procedures to realize the implementation of emerging technologies

Lead: Beat Wellig (HSLU-TEVT)
WP10: A multi-criteria assessment suite to support decision making of renewables integration in industry
- Process integration based screening methods for renewables integration
- Techno-economic solutions assessment
- Business model development
- Multi-criteria decision analysis

Lead: Mercedes Hannelore Rittmann-Frank (OST-SPF)
WP11: Lab-scale thermal-grid indifferent testing of a prototype for heating and cooling
- Development and testing of grid-independent energy system prototype
- Digitalization and Guidelines
- Socio-economic impact and guidelines to market

Lead: Gianfranco Guidati (ETHZ)
WP12: Generation of negative CO2 emissions
- Negative emissions, i.e. the extraction of CO2 from the atmosphere, are needed to compensate emissions from sectors that are difficult to tackle (e.g. agriculture)
- WP12 studies the various options in the context of concrete case studies with customers and suppliers
- Based on this assessment, a P&D project is defined for the second half of DeCarbCH
Five pilot & demonstration projects
- WPPD1: Real Transformation of a specific area in Zurich
- WPPD2: Increase in utilization of waste heat from incineration plant / Reduction of carbon emissions
- WPPD3: Enabling implementation of renewables for industrial heating and cooling / Demonstrating enabled renewable heating and cooling (solutions) in industry
- WPPD4: Renewable energy cube providing carbon-neutral heating and cooling for industry and service sector
- WPPD5: Demonstration of negative emission technology