
Peer-reviews publications, PhD thesis, etc. which are related to the SWEET DeCarbCH.

-Publication within WP01
-Publication within WP02
-Publication within WP03
-Publication within WP04
-Publication within WP05
-Publication within WP06
-Publication within WP07

Martin K. Patel: Analyse von innovativen Lösungen für thermische Netze, Fernwärme-Forum 2024, 25. Jan. 2024, Bern

Martin K. Patel: Analyse de solutions innovantes pour les réseaux thermiques, Forum du chauffage à distance 2024, 25.01.2024, Bern

Gianfranco Guidati: DeCarbCH Decarbonisation of heating and cooling in Switzerland, SWEET Conference 2023, 6 September 2023, Eventforum Bern

Martin K. Patel, Stefan Bertsch, Beat Wellig, Gianfranco Guidati: SWEET DeCarbCH – Decarbonisation of Cooling and Heating in Switzerland, 28. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik» 22. Juni 2022, BFH Burgdorf

Guidati Gianfranco, Schaffner Christian: From the SCCER to SWEET – Past, present and future of energy research at ETH Zurich, Energy Blog @ ETH Zurich, ETH Zurich, October 14, 2021.

Li, X., Chambers, J., Yilmaz, S., Patel, M.K. (2024): Sensitivity Analysis of Fifth Generation District Heating and Cooling Coupled with Borehole Thermal Energy Storage with Respect to Cooling Adoption, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2600, 062008, 

Sasso, F., Chambers, J., Patel, M.K. (2023): Space heating demand in the office building stock: Element-based bottom-up archetype model, Energy & Buildings, 295, 113264,

Altieri, D., Patel, M.P., Lazarus, J., Branca, G. (2023): Numerical analysis of low-cost optimization measures for improving energy
efficiency in residential buildings, Energy, 273, 127257,

Wilczynski, E., Chambers, J., Patel, M., Worrell, E., Pezzutto, S. (2023): Assessment of the thermal energy flexibility of residential buildings with heat pumps under various electric tariff designs, Energy and Buildings, 294, 113257, 

Li, X., Yilmaz, S., Patel, M.K., Chambers, J. (2023): Techno-economic analysis of fifth-generation district heating and cooling combined with seasonal borehole thermal energy storage, Energy, 285, 129382,

Cozza, S., Patel, M. K., & Chambers, J. (2022). Uncertainty in potential savings from improving energy label: A Monte Carlo study of the Swiss residential buildings. Energy and Buildings, 271, 112333.

Walch, A., Li, X., Chambers, J., Mohajeri, N., Yilmaz, S., Patel, M., Scartezzini J.-L. (2022): Shallow geothermal energy potential for heating and cooling of buildings with regeneration under climate change scenarios, Energy, 244, Part B, 123086,

Li, X., Walch, A., Yilmaz, S., Patel, M., Chambers, J. (2022): Optimal spatial resource allocation in networks: Application to district heating and cooling, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 171, 108448,

Data Release: PACE REFIT building archetype load curves, EMPA, 13.07.2022,

Chambers, J., Zuberi, M.J.S., Streicher, K.N., Patel, M.K. (2021): Geospatial global sensitivity analysis of a heat energy service decarbonisation model of the building stock, Applied Energy, 302, 117592,

Abegg, Andreas; Seferovic, Goran: Ausschreibungsverfahren bei Gebietskonzessionen für thermische Netze am Beispiel der Stadt Zürich, sui generis 2024, S. 31-41,

Abegg, Andreas; Streiff, Oliver; Trajkova, Renata: Energieanlagen im Konflikt mit dem Natur- und Heimatschutz, Ein Beitrag zum Umgang mit Zielkonflikten am Beispiel nicht gebäudegebundener Solaranlagen, Schweizerische Baurechtstagung 2023, p. 51–73, 

Abegg, Andreas; Musliu, Nagihan: Die Fernwärmeversorgung - eine rechtliche Einordnung, sui generis 2022, S. 43-53,

Meyer, Christian: Die Regulierung des Heizkesselersatzes: im Netz von hard law und soft law, Prinzipien und Regeln, AJP Aktuelle Juristische Praxis, 6/2023, 709-725,

Schibli, Beatrix: Biomasseanlagen in der Landwirtschaft, Schriften zum Energierecht, vol. 20, Zürich 2022,

Schibli, Beatrix: Solarstrom und Direktzahlungsberechtigung. Mit Fokus auf Photovoltaik-Anlagen, Schriften zum Energierecht, vol. 24, Zürich 2022,

Speich, M., Ulli-Beer, S.: Applying an ecosystem lens to low-carbon energy transitions: A conceptual framework, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 398, 20 April 2023, 136429,

Speich, M., Chambers, J., Ulli-Beer, S.: Current and future development of thermal grids in Switzerland: an organizational perspective, Frontiers Sustainable Cities, Volume 6, 3 May 2024,

Streiff, Oliver; Trajkova, Renata; Abegg, Andreas: Zur Standortgebundenheit von Solaranlagen ausserhalb der Bauzone, Eine kritische Würdigung des neuen Art. 32c RPV, Jusletter September 2022, p. 1–18, 

Koirala, B., Cai, H., Khayatian, F., Munoz, E., An, J.G., Mutschler, R., Sulzer, M., De Wolf, C., Orehounig, K.: Digitalization of urban multi-energy systems – Advances in digital twin applications across life-cycle phases, Advances in Applied Energy, Volume 16, 2024,

Baldini, Luca and Mahecha Zambrano, Juan (September 2023): Thermochemical storage networks for integration of renewable energy sources through seasonal load shifting, CISBAT 2023 International Hybrid Conference The Built Environment in Transition. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2600, IOP Publishing Ltd,

Mennel, S., Villasmil, W., Fischer, L., Tuohy, P. (2023): Decarbonising energy supply: the potential impact on district heating networks of the integration of thermal energy storage and substitution of peak load with base load, CISBAT 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland, 13-15 September 2023,, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 2600,

Fumey, Benjamin; Weber, Robert; Baldini, Luca (2023): Heat transfer constraints and performance mapping of a closed liquid sorption heat storage process, Applied Energy, 335, 120755,

Fiorentini Massimo, Heer Philipp, Baldini Luca (2023): Design optimization of a district heating and cooling system with a borehole seasonal thermal energy storage, Energy, Volume 262, Part B, 125464,

Fiorentini, Massimo; Vivian, Jacopo; Heer, Philipp; Baldini, Luca (2022): Design and optimal integration of seasonal borehole thermal energy storage in district heating and cooling networks [Paper]. In: CLIMA 2022 The 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress,. 14th RHEVA HVAC World Congress, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 22-25 May 2022. TU Delft OPEN,

Berger M., Schroeteler B., Sperle H., Püntener P., Felder T., Worlitschek J. (2021): Assessment of residential scale renewable heating solutions with thermal energy storages, Energy, Volume 244, Part A, 122618,

Tzinnis Efstratios, Baldini Luca (2021): Combining sorption storage and electric heat pumps to foster integration of solar in buildings. Applied Energy, 301, 117455,

Fiorentini Massimo, Baldini Luca (2021): Control-oriented modelling and operational optimization of a borehole thermal energy storage. Applied Thermal Engineering, 199, 117518,

Toffanin Riccardo, Curti Vinicio, Barbato Maurizio C. (2021)Impact of Legionella regulation on a 4th generation district heating substation energy use and cost: the case of a Swiss single-family household. Energy, 228, 120473,

Sommer T., Sotnikov A., Sulzer M., Scholz V., Mischler S., Kristian G., Mennel, S. (2022): Hydrothermal challenges in low-temperature networks with distributed heat pumps, Energy, Volume 257, 124527,

Belliardi, M., Cereghetti, N., Caputo, P., & Ferrari, S. (2021): A Method to Analyze the Performance of Geocooling Systems with Borehole Heat Exchangers. Results in a Monitored Residential Building in Southern Alps, Energies, 14(21), 7407,

Caputo, P., Ferla, G., Belliardi, M., & Cereghetti, N. (2021): District thermal systems: State of the art and promising evolutive scenarios. A focus on Italy and Switzerland. Sustainable Cities and Society, 65, 102579,

Bhadbhade, N., Ong, B.H.Y., Olsen, D.G., Wellig, B., Patel, M.K. (2024): Assessment of CO2 abatement potential of heat pumps using pinch analysis for the Swiss chocolate industry, Journal of Cleaner Production, 455, 142323,

Bhadbhade, N. & Patel, M.K. (2024): Energy efficiency investment in Swiss industry: Analysis of target agreements, Energy Reports, 11, 624-636,

Ong, B. H. Y., Bhadbhade, N., Olsen, D. G., Wellig, B. (2023): Characterizing sector-wide thermal energy profiles for industrial sectors, Energy, 282, 129028,

Stampfli, J.A., Ong, B. H.Y., Olsen, D. G., Wellig, B., Hofmann, R. (2023): Multi-objective evolutionary optimization for multi-period heat exchanger network retrofit, Energy, 281, 128175,

Stampfli, J. (2023). Retrofit for multi-period processes for practical heat exchanger network design [Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien]. reposiTUm.

Ong, B. H.Y., Schubaschitz, M., Olsen, D.G., Wellig, B. (2022): Construction of Sectorial Thermal Energy Profiles, Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 5 – 8 September 2022, Split and Bol, HR.

Pierre Krummenacher, Benjamin H.Y. Ong, Donald G. Olsen, Beat Wellig: DeCarb-PUI – Decarbonisation of Industrial Processes through Redesign of the Process-Utility Interface, 28. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik» 22. Juni 2022, BFH Burgdorf

Agner Raphael, Ong Benjamin H.Y., Wellig Beat: Integration of heat pumps and thermal energy storages in non-continuous industrial processes - HPTES, Final Report SFOE Project (Contract Number SI/501822-01), 2021.

Agner Raphael, Ong Benjamin H. Y., Stampfli Jan A., Krummenacher Pierre, Wellig Beat: Practical integration of heat pumps with thermal energy storage in non-continuous processes, Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES 2021), 31 October – 3 November 2021, Brno, CZ, 2021.

Stampfli Jan A., Ong Benjamin H.Y., Olsen Donald G., Wellig Beat, Hofmann René: A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for heat exchanger network retrofit for processes with multiple operating cases, 16th SDEWES conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 10-15, 2021.

Wellig Beat, Agner Raphael, Ong Benjamin H. Y., Stampfli Jan A., Olsen Donald G., Krummenacher Pierre: Integration von Wärmepumpen und Speichern zur Effizienzsteigerung nicht-kontinuierlicher Prozesse, 27. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik», Burgdorf, 23.6.2021.

Lucas Edward J., Stampfli Jan A., Rast Lorenz P., Agner Raphael, Wellig Beat: Heat pump and thermal energy storage integration in non-continuous processes – an application to the food industry, 13th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Jeju, Korea, April 26-29, 2021.

Ong Benjamin H. Y., Lucas Edward J., Olsen Donald G.*, Roth Simon, Wellig Beat: A user workflow for combining process simulation and pinch analysis considering ecological factors, Chemical Product and Process Modeling, 2021.

Bever, P.-M., Bless, F., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S.S. (2024): High-Temperature Heat Pumps for Industrial Use, Chemie Ingenieur Technik,

Brendel, L.P.M, Bernal, S.N., Widmaier, Ph., Roskosch, R., Arpagaus, C., Bardow, A., Bertsch, S.S. (2024): High-glide refrigerant blends in high-temperature heat pumps: Part 1 – Coefficient of performance, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 165, Pages 84-96,

Brendel, L.P.M., Bernal, S.N., Hemprich, C., Rowane, A.J., Bell, I.H., Roskosch, D., Arpagaus, C., Bardow, A., Bertsch, S.S. (2024): High-glide refrigerant blends in high-temperature heat pumps: Part 2 – Inline composition determination for binary mixtures, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 165, Pages 45-57,

Jeßberger, J., Arpagaus, C., Heberle, F., Brendel, L., Bertsch, S.S., Brüggemann, D. (2024): Experimental Investigations of Upscaling Effects of High-Temperature Heat Pumps with R1233zd(E), International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 164, Pages 243-256,

Brendel, L.P. M. , Bernal, S.N., Arpagaus, C., Roskosch, D., Bardow, A., Bertsch, S.S. (2024): Experimental Performance Comparison of High-Glide Hydrocarbon and Synthetic Refrigerant Mixtures in a High-Temperature Heat Pump, Energies, 17, 1981, https://

Payá, J., Cazorla-Marín, A., Arpagaus, C., Corrales Ciganda, J.L., Hassan, A.H. (2024): Low-Pressure Steam Generation with Concentrating Solar Energy and Different Heat Upgrade Technologies: Potential in the European Industry, Sustainability, 16, 1733,

Arpagus, C., Kuster, R., Uhlmann, M., Berthold, M., Eschmann, M., Bertsch, S.: Felderfahrungen mit Wärmepumpen in der Schweiz: Verbesserungspotentiale und zukünftige Entwicklungen, Energieforschungsgespräche Disentis 2023, 25. bis 27. Januar 2023, Disentis/Mustér, KurzfassungArtikel auf bulletin.chVideo Link zum Vortrag auf YouTube

Arpagaus, C., Bever, P.-M., Brendel, L., Bertsch, S: Kältemittel heute und in der Zukunft: Neue Vorgaben, neue Kältemittel, 7. Internationaler Grosswärmepumpen Kongress, 24./25. Mai 2023, Zürich

Bertsch, S. and Arpagaus, C.: High-temperature heat pumps are on the rise - Why is their market uptake slow? Heat Pumping Technologies HPT MAGAZINE, Vol. 41 No 1/2023

Arpagus, C.: Felderfahrungen mit Wärmepumpen: Verbesserungspotentiale und  Entwicklungen, Bulletin Electrosuisse 7/2023, 27.10.2023

Vieren, E., Demeester, T., Beyne, W., Magni, C., Abedini, H., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S., Arteconi, A., De Paepe, M., Lecompte, S. (2023): The Potential of Vapor Compression Heat Pumps Supplying Process Heat between 100 and 200 °C in the Chemical Industry, Energies, 16(18), 6473,

Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Paranjape, S., Bertsch, S.: Integration of High-Temperature Heat Pumps in Swiss Food Processes, ICR2023, 26th International Congress of Refrigeration, 21-25 August 2023, Paris, France,

Ayou, D.S., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S.S., Coronas, A.: Performance analysis of add-on large-temperature-lift heat pumps for pasteurization in the juice and dairy processing industries, ICR2023, 26th International Congress of Refrigeration, 21-25 August 2023, Paris, France,

Ghasemi, M., Saini, P., Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S., Zhang, X.: Techno-economic comparative analysis of solar thermal collectors and high-temperature heat pumps with PV for industrial steam generation (1166),  14th IEA Heat Pump Conference, 15-18 May 2023, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S., Krummenacher, P., Flórez-Orrego, D.A., Pina, E.A., Maréchal, F., Calame Darbellay, N., Rognon, F., Vesin, S., Achermann, P., Jansen, C.: Session Keynote: Integration of High-Temperature Heat Pumps in Swiss Industrial Processes (HTHP-CH) (494), 14th IEA Heat Pump Conference, 15-18 May 2023, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Arpagaus, C., Paranjape, S., Nertinger, S., Tietz, R., Bertsch, S.: Review of Business Models for Industrial Heat Pumps, 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS 2023), 25-30 June 2023, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain,

Sulaiman, A.Y., Cotter, D., Arpagaus, C., Hewitt, N.: Theoretical Evaluation of Energy, Exergy, and Minimum Superheat in a High-Temperature Heat Pump with Low GWP Refrigerants, International Journal of Refrigeration, available online 2 June 2023,

Saini, P., Ghasemi, M., Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S., Zhang, X.: Techno-economic comparative analysis of solar thermal collectors and high-temperature heat pumps for industrial steam generation, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 277, 1 February 2023, 116623,

Arpagaus, C., Paranjape, S., Brendel, L.P.M., Simoni, L.D., Kontomaris, K., Bertsch, S.S.: Experimental Investigation of R1336mzz(E) in a High-Temperature Heat Pump, 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 10-14, 2022,

Roskosch, D., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S., Bardow, A.: Compressor Design vs. Refrigerants Properties: What Affects Compressor Efficiency More?, 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 10-14, 2022,

Payá, J., Cazorla-Marín, A., Hassan, A.H., Arpagaus, C.: Techno-economic evaluation of different technologies to produce steam at 150 ºC in the Spanish industry, 12th CNIT, XII National and y III International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics, June 29 - July 1, 2022, Madrid, Spain

Frédéric Bless, Cordin Arpagaus, Manuel Prinzing, Stefan Bertsch: IntSGHP – Integration of Steam-Generating Heat Pumps in Industrial Sites (Retrofit), 28. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik» 22. Juni 2022, BFH Burgdorf

Cordin Arpagaus, Frédéric Bless, Stefan Bertsch, Pierre Krummenacher, Daniel A. Flórez-Orrego, Eduardo A. Pina, François Maréchal, Nicole Calame-Darbellay, Fabrice Rognon: HTHP-CH – Integration of High-Temperature Heat Pumps in Swiss Industrial Processes, 28. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik» 22. Juni 2022, BFH Burgdorf

Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S.: Techno-economic analysis of steam generating heat pumps for integration into distillation processes, 15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen conference on Natural Refrigerants, June 13-15, 2022, Trondheim, Norway,

Ayou, D.S., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S.S., Coronas, A.: Large-temperature-lift heat pumps for simultaneous heating and cooling applications in the dairy industry, 15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen conference on Natural Refrigerants, June 13-15, 2022, Trondheim, Norway,

Bless, F., Arpagaus, C. Speich, M., Bertsch, S.: Electrification of Heat Generation in Industry: State of Technologies, Integration Examples, and Integration Barriers, Young Energy Researchers Conference 2022, 5 April 2022, Wels, Austria

Giménez-Prades, P., Navarro-Esbrí, J., Arpagaus, C., Fernández-Moreno, A., Mota-Babiloni, A.: Novel molecules as working fluids for refrigeration, heat pump and organic Rankine cycle systems, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 112549, May 2022,

Callegari, Simon Augustin, Novoa-Herzog, Ruben, Schneider, Stefan, Brischoux, Pauline, Duret, Alexis, Jobard, Xavier, Hollmuller, Pierre: Strategies and potentials of temperature reduction on existing district heating substations: Two case studies. 2023