DeCarbCH Wiki Technologies
Wind Energy
Wind energy
Similarely to PV, wind energy is only used to produce electricity. It is a very important technology to decarbonize the electricity production in the future. Switzerland will have to greatly increase its productions of electricity provided by Wind to become carbon neutral in 2050 where it will be crucial for the winter period. One of the reason is the electrification of heat and the transition from fossil fuel engine vehicle to electrical vehicle. However, as Wind energy does not directly heat nor cold, its current and future development, and its general usage is out of the scope of this SWEET program.
SWEET SURE (SUstainability and Resilient Energy for Switzerland) , and also SWEET EDGE (Enabling Decentralized renewable GEneration in the Swiss cities, midlands, and the Alps) are other programs which have more focus on Wind energy.
- Bioenergy and biomass
- Decarbonisation case studies
- Decarbonisation modelling
- Digital twins
- Energy efficiency through Pinch analysis
- Energy thermal storage
- Geothermal
- Heat pump
- Hydroelectric
- Hydrogen
- Negative emission technologies
- Solar Energy
- Thermal grid
- Wind Energy
DeCarbCH experts on this subject: None
Other Swiss experts: Swiss Admin Page, EnergySuisse, ETHZ