Publication on geospatial sensitivity analysis for heat decarbonisation (Western Switzerland)

Spatially resolved sensitivity analysis reveals high geographic variability of potential costs and cost uncertainties.

In this study we investigated the parameter sensitivity of a simplified heat electrification model with retrofits (Western Switzerland). In addition to large final energy savings potentials, we observed significant spatial variation of costs and cost sensitivity indexes, implying that there can be significantly different costs to the energy transition for heating depending on the location (e.g. depending on the building density and typology of the building stock).

This means that inequalities in costs borne need to be discussed and addressed in policy:

  • How should costs be fairly distributed between regions and individuals?
  • What interventions may increase or decrease disparities?

These questions will need to be addressed in ongoing modelling work.

Chambers, J., Zuberi, M. J. S., Streicher, K. N., & Patel, M. K. (2021). Geospatial global sensitivity analysis of a heat energy service decarbonisation model of the building stock. Applied Energy, 302, 117592.