Leveraging product-specific exemplar profiles: Heat pump integration in the Swiss chocolate industry

The study identifies key integration opportunities for HPs that are both economically viable and environmentally impactful

Decarbonizing industrial processes is crucial for achieving net-zero targets, with process heat electrification emerging as a key pathway. Heat pumps (HPs) are pivotal for this transition. However, a comprehensive knowledge of thermal energy demands, excess heat sources, and the corresponding temperature levels is imperative for optimum heat pump integration.

The paper published by UNIGE-EE jointly with HSLU-TEVT in May 2024 builds on the previously published methodology of sector-wide profiles. It introduces a concept of exemplar energy demand profiles. These profiles can be tailored to represent different production capacities and scales, ranging from product-specific to sector-wide levels. By leveraging these profiles, the study identifies key integration opportunities for HPs that are both economically viable and environmentally impactful.

The findings indicate that heat pumps with a coefficient of performance (COP) greater than 2.6 are generally cost-effective, except for the smallest companies. Importantly, sector-wide integration of HPs could potentially reduce CO2 emissions by up to 56% and decrease total final energy demand by up to 28%. These results underscore the vital role of HPs in decarbonizing industrial processes and highlight significant opportunities for achieving substantial energy savings and emission reductions in the Swiss chocolate industry.

Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142323

Representative profile for chocolate production
Sector-wide profile for the chocolate subsector