Time: 12:00 to 12:45 (CET)
Venue: via Zoom
Evaluation of waste heat as a low carbon resource for district heating: learnings from a UK-wide study by Henrique Lagoeiro (LSBU)
The capture and transport of waste heat represents a great opportunity for the decarbonisation of heat supply in buildings. To date, mostly high temperature, industrial waste heat has been reused and reported. However, with the recent advent of low and ambient temperature (4th and 5th generation) district energy networks, there is scope for the recovery and utilisation of heat from a range of novel sources. This talk will summarise the findings from research carried out by the Heating and Cooling Research Group at London South Bank University, a leading UK-based research group who has been investigating the potential of unconventional heat sources in the UK through extensive data collection, GIS mapping, techno-economic modelling, feasibility case studies and real-life demonstrations.