Time: 12:00 to 12:45 (CET)
Venue: via Zoom
Revolutionary energy storage cycle with carbon free aluminium presentation given by Yvonne Bäuerle (OST)
The EU-REVEAL project, which aims to address the challenge of long-term storage of renewable energy, is presented. While short-term storage solutions are currently affordable, storing large amounts of energy over longer periods of time, such as months or seasons, remains costly and is therefore not yet widely used. For this reason, a new technical solution is being developed that will make it possible to store large amounts of energy with no losses and with an unmatched energy storage density of >15 MWh/m3 at an attractively low cost and with a lower environmental impact than today's solutions.
The game-changing and unique solution is using the conversion of aluminium oxide into elementary aluminium (Power-to-Al) to store renewable energy and produce the "renewable metal fuel". In winter, when most energy is needed for space heating and electric energy prices are high, renewable Al fuel is converted to heat and electricity in order to cover low temperature heat and electricity demand of buildings, or to cover energy demand for processes by providing high temperature heat and hydrogen (Al-to-Power).