Lunch-Talk: Current legal issues relating to district heating

Current legal issues relating to district heating by Prof Abegg Andreas (ZHAW)

Time: 12:00 to 12:45 (CET)
Venue: via Zoom

Current legal issues relating to district heating presentation given by Prof Abegg Andreas (ZHAW)

The heating supply in the settlement area is expected to make a significant contribution to the implementation of the Federal Energy Strategy 2050 and to the achievement of climate policy objectives. However, the planning, construction and operation of district heating networks raise a wide variety of legal issues that have so far received little attention. The presentation addresses the most important current legal questions: Who is responsible for the planning and construction of a network and which planning requirements have to be taken into account? Which permits and concessions have to be granted for the construction and operation of the network? Under what conditions may the operation of a network be delegated to third parties? Are there any connection obligations and do they correspond to connection rights? And finally: must the design, construction and operation of a network be subject to public tendering and what rules must be respected ?


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