Time: 12:00 to 12:45 (CET)
Venue: via Zoom
Renewable heat: Is it rocket science? presentation given by Christiane Egger (OÖ Energiesparverband, ESV)
The energy world has taken a profound shift. How to make the clean heat transition a reality as quickly as possible is currently at the top of the agenda. Different from the past, when the focus was often on motivating building owners to invest in renewable heat, today we need to figure out how to cope with the soaring demand while maintaining high quality levels.
In this talk, Christiane Egger, Manager of the Cleantech-Cluster Energy and Deputy Manager of OÖ Energiesparverband (the energy agency of the region of Upper Austria), will present how Upper Austria is tackling the clean heat transition. In Upper Austria, a region of 1.5 million inhabitants, over 60% of all space heating already comes from renewable and waste heat – trend strongly increasing. 37% of dwellings are heated with clean bioenergy, 13% with district heating from CHP and 11% with heat pumps. Greenhouse gas emissions from buildings were reduced by 39% in the past 10 years, bringing the regions closer to its goal of climate neutrality.